Little Heroes Preschool is a private co-educational Christian school situated in the heart of Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal.
Our Environment
At Little Heroes Preschool we provide an interactive learning environment with developmentally appropriate activities for children to learn necessary skills and meet age appropriate milestones in order to prepare them for formal schooling.
Location: 39 Inanda Road, Hillcrest
Telephone: (031) 010 6291
Email: barbara@littleheroes.org.za
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 12pm
Aftercare: M-F: 12:15pm – 5pm
Learn By Doing
Little Heroes Preschool Heart
A Word
From Our Principal
It is our desire to not only equip children with the skills necessary for formal learning to take place, but to create a nurturing, loving and empowering environment in which children can grow, play and learn. We believe that each child is unique! Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.” It is our privilege to partner with parents to discover the treasure in each of the children; to set them up for what God has planned and designed for them when He created them. As we steer our children towards the amazing destiny they are created for, and as we sow the principles of the Kingdom of God into their hearts, we see children powerfully bring Heaven to earth in their families and in their communities.
– Barbara Cooper
Our Upcoming Events
Term 1 Starts
Grandparents Day
Term 1 Ends
Our School
General Information
Children will be admitted to the age group they will be turning that year. We accept children from 4 months old up to Gr 00 (those turning 5 during the year). We accept children from the year in which they turn 1 to the year in which they turn 5 (Gr 00).
To apply you can submit either an online application form, or you can download the application form and email it to us, or you can contact us to have a form emailed to you. Once we have received the completed form, your child’s name will be placed on our waiting list (there is no cost involved in this). Applications are considered mid-year prior to the year of admission and parents will be contacted once places are offered.
Our class sizes are small and we aim as far as possible to have similar boy/girl ratios in each group. All classes have a teacher and an assistant. A number of extra mural activities are offered on the premises.
Payment of school fees may be made in one of the following ways:
- A once off payment in full by 1st February 2025.
(If paid in full by 1st February 2025 a 5% discount is offered on the Annual Fee) - 12 monthly payments from 1st January to 1st December (except Grade 00)
- 11 monthly payments from 1st January to 1st November (Grade 00 only)
- 10 monthly payments from 1st January to 1st October (OPTIONAL – all groups)
There is a 5% discount on fees for siblings attending in the same year.
Apply Online
Please click the button below to complete on our online application form.
Download Application Form
Contact Us For An Application
If you prefer the personal touch then call or email us for an application form.
Contact UsBlog
Our News & Announcements
Stay up to date with our latest news, announcements and thoughts on all things Little Heroes, education, parenting and more!

Disconnect to Reconnect: The Impact of Mobile Devices on Parent-Child Relationships
In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. They keep us connected, informed, and entertained. However, this constant connectivity comes at a cost, particularly for parents who find themselves frequently glued to their...
Staff Members
Years Established
After School programs
Get In Touch
Location: 39 Inanda Road, Hillcrest
Telephone: (031) 010 6291
Email: info@littleheroes.org.za
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 12pm
Aftercare: M-F: 12:15pm – 5pm